Have you ever pondered on what your strengths are? This is precisely what strengths-based coaching revolves around. It’s a method that spotlights the best version of you. Your strengths emerge from your innate talents, which you’ve honed through skills, knowledge, and experience. Recognizing your strengths opens up a powerful viewpoint, propelling you forward, regardless of where you are now. When coaching intertwines with this mindset, the impact of your strengths magnifies.

Your strengths up until now may not have been as obvious to you, as those of us with ADHD tend to unfortunately have a higher level of negativity bias, and thus, we may not know our strengths at all. This is how Orlando ADHD Coaching can use this mindset coaching to not only identify your strengths, but change your perspectives on yourself, identifying that you do, in fact, have many strengths.

In our strengths-based coaching journey, we, as coach and client, zero in on identifying and harnessing your strengths. This isn’t about overlooking your weaknesses; instead, we strategize on managing them and leveraging your strengths for improvement. Amongst other things specific to the ADHD experience, our coaching conversations will revolve around understanding, cultivating, and applying your strengths towards achieving your objectives. Why? Because utilizing your strengths is the most effective way to reach your peak performance.

We also apply this positive lens in setting your objectives and aspirations. Sometimes, it may be simpler to pinpoint what you don’t want, so we’ll also explore this to uncover your true ambitions – those that drive you to excel.

If we work together, we’ll view skill gaps or performance issues only to identify opportunities for growth, encouraging new behaviors and ways to improve your overall influence and success.

This coaching approach is grounded in research, influenced by experts in neuroscience and positive psychology. Gallup conducted a poll recently, in which they identified that in general, people only used their strengths 20% of the time. What if that was increased for you? How might that change your life and perspectives?

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