Gratitude is Essential for the ADHD Brain

Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation for the things in life that are meaningful or valuable to us. It can be a simple thank you, a heartfelt letter, or a daily journal entry. However, gratitude can also have positive effects on our brain, especially if we have ADHD. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects […]

For God’s Sake – Please Pay Attention.

The irony of that title will soon smack you right in the face. ADHD is a condition that leaves the individual with a lifelong experience of feeling misunderstood, experiencing far more negative interactions with others, and can leave them feeling stupid because they’re forced to learn a certain curriculum, a certain way, which just doesn’t […]

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

There are myriad ways one comes about being a sensitive person. Developing empathy for example, is due to experiencing hardship, which is why the wonderful ADHD/ADD/VAST/DAVE brain is usually associated with the ability for empathy. RSD’s Origins, like that of ADHD are Genetic and Neurological Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, strangely enough, isn’t necessarily due to life […]

Struggling with the holiday madness? Shoot for less.

Full candor, I find it more than slightly confusing to live in a country/culture, that Don’t get me wrong. I understand our culture. We’ve been raised on the idea of getting and giving gifts for Christmas. Just about every Christmas song expresses the well known tropes of the season; the lyrics of one of the […]

Welcome to

Hi, I’m Jon, and you’ve found your way to my neuroinclusive site Orlando ADHD Coaching. I am an ADHD coach which, when combined with a lifetime of personal experience, I am confident that if you’re in the need for life coaching to address issues arising in your life due to ADHD or just in general, […]

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